Late season rains

Stormy afternoon

It continues to rain off and on – we had a huge thunder and lightning rain storm one day that ushered in a day of cooler air, which was nice, and another morning storm. I’m sure the bats are quite confused.

Liberian national elections were this week; the government declared a holiday for our local staff. We also scheduled down visa appointments, so it was a slightly quieter week.

We went to a small (socially distanced/masked) dinner at Angler’s this week to celebrate a military colleague’s promotion – it’s outdoor setting by the ocean makes for a nice evening. We spent a lot of time with this particular colleague during our long hours at the airport doing repatriation flights back in the spring; it was good to enjoy an evening with him under less stressful circumstances.

I had a good video chat with Pam and Jackie yesterday, although we missed Ann. John and I are enjoying a nice weekend; I haven’t left the house and don’t intend to!

John brought flowers for me

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