Holiday week

Due to a confluence of local and U.S. holidays, we only had one(!) work day this week! Even the work day was light, as most folks took the day off, leaving just a skeleton crew in the office. John and I spent our days mostly at home reading and watching a little TV – a good time to just recharge our batteries and also enjoy a rainy day or two.

I popped out yesterday morning for a fitting for a leather coat, then gassed up the cars (with everyone out of town, the wait for a pump was much shorter). Lea came over Friday morning for coffee. I had a good visit with Muffy on the phone one morning.

I finished (and enjoyed) “The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawho. I also read “The Mushroom at the End of the World.” Although a lot of it was over my head (OK, most of it), I did like Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s prose, and now I know a bit about the matsutake mushroom. I enjoyed the short novella, “Mrs. Caliban,” by Rachel Ingalls with its strange story and wry outlook. Yesterday, I started “A Gate at the Stairs” by Lorrie Moore.

John and I are almost finished with a very well done documentary about the Cold War, “Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War.” And we’ve started the remake of “Presumed Innocent.” We also watched the 1935 version of Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities,” after he read it this week.

Today is the ninth anniversary of Mom’s death – hard to believe.

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