Really, the only one leading la vida loca is Noodle, as evidenced by his glee at being (wrongfully) in the middle of the dining table when we happened upon him!
This was our first full week of work – although Friday was an “admin day” and we had nothing to administer, so we used it as a reading-at-work day. We started doing non-immigrant visa interviews on Wednesday afternoon, then did some more on Thursday morning. It’s very interesting to try to figure out who is telling the truth and who is fibbing – our main goal is to try to figure out who is not an “intending immigrant” – i.e., who will actually come back to their home in Mexico after visiting the U.S. I turned down an older woman, and she made an odd hand gesture to me – someone who grew up in Mexico confirmed that it meant pretty much what I thought it meant!
We were also able to visit quite a bit with our new co-workers this week. On Easter Sunday, we had Elise and her husband and toddler over for a gallo pinto brunch. We had met Elise (pictured below) while at FSI in training – she is also here on her first tour.
During the week, we enjoyed visits from a couple of our co-workers who are also neighbors. Martha (pictured below) came from the world of academia, and coincidentally knows one of our favorite Hendrix professors quite well – small world!
Friday at lunch we went out with our new boss and some other folks for a very nice lunch at Misión Guadalupe, followed by really good seafood dinner with a group of co-workers that night at Los Bichis.
Saturday afternoon we went to a Consulate party at the public affairs officer’s home; that night, we had our A-100 friend Whitney and his wife Ali over for dinner.
All in all, it was a good week, and we think we are really going to like it here!
On a sad note, my Uncle Gilbert passed away this week. I was glad I had the chance to visit with him in Arkansas on the drive down to Juarez. He’ll be missed.
Martha, John and Elise at Los Bichis