Archive for October, 2021


Sunday, October 31st, 2021
Last boat ride of the season

David and Alison took us out for a sunset cruise last night, followed by a soup & cornbread dinner with Peewee in attendance – big fun. It was a perfect day – sunny and cool. We spent the afternoon on the balcony visiting with Deb and Doug and grilling burgers. Life’s good.

The week was filled with appointments and a good dose of relaxation: dentist, leg x-rays, dermatologist, shingles vax, COVID booster, hair cut. Had a great lunch visit after my haircut in Maumelle with my former co-worker Leslie. I spent several afternoons at David and Alison’s, and Friday afternoon was nice and lazy in Chuck’s living room drinking coffee and catching up.

Don’t Cry for Us

Sunday, October 24th, 2021

We landed in Paris Thursday morning en route to Hot Springs for R&R and got some good news when John turned on his phone: a note from Buenos Aires saying he was their leading candidate for their coveted Management Counselor job — hurray! An offer from the WHA bureau came the following day, then good news for me that I’m the lead bidder for their visa chief position! So looks like we’ll be off to Argentina next summer!

We’re thrilled to be back in Hot Springs for a short visit and to celebrate a bit! An added bonus is getting to see James and MaryBeth who are up from San Antonio — more good times to come!

The Great Flood

Sunday, October 17th, 2021
Lovely sunsets this week

Sadly, our apartment flooded yesterday when a hose on the hot water heater came loose. I was at the salon, so poor John had to deal with it on his own. Neighbors ran up to help and the embassy sent over a cleaning crew – about half the apartment was completely covered in water, including our rugs. Everything is topsy-turvy as pretty much all furniture had to be moved around to get the water (and rugs) out.

Last Monday was a holiday and we hosted a game day. Later in the week, we had a mass casualty drill at work. Thursday we had a small dinner at a restaurant near work to bid Luke farewell, along with some others from John’s section. I had a great video chat with my former boss who’s now in Pakistan. Most of the week, John and I obsessed over bidding. We are still completely up in the air and keeping fingers crossed.

I finished a book by Alan Alda on communication – thanks to Ann for flagging his “Clear and Vivid” podcast, as well. I started a book called “Being Wrong” but didn’t get all the way through it before the library loan ended, so I’ve put it on hold again. We finished a good crime series called “The Chestnut Man.”


Sunday, October 10th, 2021
First Methodist Church on Broad Street

John and I continue to talk about possible bidding outcomes non-stop – we still have nothing to report yet, Gentle Reader. Everything’s still up in the air and we have to resign ourselves to not hearing anything over the weekend or possibly for weeks to come. We’ve also spent time this week interviewing people to take over our own jobs, which really drives home the fact that we are entering the homestretch of our time in Liberia, as next summer rapidly approaches!

John is totally enjoying the influx of gamers to Embassy Monrovia! We hosted game day last Sunday. I’m glad to see him have so much fun!

We went out for sushi last Monday night. Tuesday night I attended a dinner at the DCM’s house with three visiting Canadian diplomats from Abidjan – they were delightful to visit with. Yesterday I took two relative newcomers with me to the salon. On the way home, Nicole and I stopped at a little shop and drove through the busy street market where she was delighted to buy sweet potatoes.

On the TV front, John and I are up to date on “The Morning Show,” “Ted Lasso,” and “The Chair” – and getting caught up on the new season of “Sex Education.”

As our friend Jackie says, “It’s all good.”

End of rainy season clouds and sunset

Excuse me

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
Loaded up

I’m not sure what all was crammed into this guy’s car (bananas or greens?) but it was really loaded up when I was behind him yesterday – he must do it often enough that he’s written “Excuse Me” on the bumper!

This was a good week dominated by endless talks about bidding for our onward post! We still have no idea where we will end up but it’s fun to daydream.

I had chats with Joan (San Antonio), Cathy (Calgary), Mary (temporarily in Nashville to see her granddaughter), and Pamela (Little Rock) – all fun and good to catch up!

I finished reading a Chris Bohjalian book, “The Sleepwalker,” and Claire Messud’s “The Woman Upstairs” this week. John and I re-watched “Traffic” and also watched an old movie called “The Killing” that had some great scenes in it.

Good use of government money? The President, “the epitome of excellence,” “We wish you the fulfillment of all the wishes lurking in the corners of your heart.”
Cookie Man coming to a neighborhood near you