“Queen’s Gambit,” a limited series on Netflix, totally captivated us last week! It was beautifully done, great acting, and a terrific story – bravo! We’re also engrossed in “The Undoing,” a new HBO series with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant, and we’re watching an Irish crime drama called “Blood.” Good TV lately.
Wednesday was Veteran’s Day so the office was closed; I worked most of the day anyway, trying to get caught up and learn more about the new (and confusing and frustrating) hiring process we’re now using. I worked again most of the day on Saturday, too, and just spent the last couple of hours working from home today. The work just doesn’t stop, and we’re completely backlogged on processing immigrant visa cases due to COVID-19. We’re gradually restarting services, but it will take a long time to dig out of the hole.
Friday afternoon, I had a chance to meet with the new Foreign Minister which was interesting and hopefully productive. I appreciate the support of our Front Office on consular issues.
Wednesday evening we went to a small, sunset rooftop BBQ to celebrate Veteran’s Day – delicious smoked chicken and beans cooked by our Southern host.
We stopped by a rooftop happy hour Friday at sunset – it’s a lovely view and a chance to say hi to friends.
Last night, we attended a small dinner on the Ambassador’s veranda. I love listening to the oceans crash on the rocks right below us. It was a low key, casual dinner and I really enjoyed it.