Southern dreaming

I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time daydreaming about going back to Antarctica next season – it’s amazing how much time you can spend going down internet rabbit holes! I was messaging this morning with a couple of friends from last December’s trip and it brought back so many good memories! Stay tuned to see if we can pull off a repeat trip!

Last Sunday I had a great chat with my friend Cathy in DC, plus I met Lea for coffee at Patio Bullrich. We had special visitors in this week from Washington, the special advisor for children’s issues and her team. It was good to reconnect with her over a yummy Italian dinner with consular managers. Lea and I came to our apartment for a glass of bubbly before we walked over to Recoleta to meet them.

John just read “Bleak House,” and got us watching the TV series version of it (also done by Andrew Davies who did “War and Peace,” etc.). It’s so good! I finished reading “The Two-Headed Whale: Life, Loss, and the Tangled Legacy of Whaling in the Antarctic,” by Sandy Winterbottom. Like my friend Morten’s book on polar bears, this was a hard book to stomach but I’m glad I did. It’s difficult to read the descriptions of killing over two million whales — not to mention realizing they were being slaughtered up through the 1960s (are you kidding me?).

While I was driving to a hair appointment yesterday, I saw this wonderful group of women dancing the park – I wanted to stop and join in!

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