What the Dickens

John has had us on a great Dickens kick – we finished watching Andrew Davies’ “Bleak House” and then “Little Dorrit” – both excellent. We also watched “In the Heart of the Sea” as a follow-up to John’s reading it and “Moby Dick” recently. I’m definitely benefiting from his current reading list!

The summer transition season has begun in earnest – last week one of my new deputies arrived to replace Jill, who left this week. I’m in denial that she is gone — to be followed soon by her co-deputy. They have been my right and left hands for the last two years. Lea, Marko, and I took Jill out for drinks this week at the same sweet little wine bar where we all met two years ago to start getting to know each other – a nice bookend.

Monday was Memorial Day and John and I attended the ceremony to commemorate it at the Embassy. Several older veterans were there, along with a few visiting members of Congress. I always enjoy the remembrance. Afterward, Lea took me for a delicious and enjoyable late birthday lunch at Roux and today we went for sushi at Osaka. Also on Friday, I went to the DEIA happy hour to kick off Pride Month.

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