Countdown to vacation

Love the little dog ornaments on the fender of this bus!

Countdown week to vacation was pretty chill – pretty much work as usual and just trying to wrap things up in order to leave. I had book club on Thursday; I didn’t read the book, but enjoyed a glass of wine with Lea and Rachel B after work before we met up with the other book clubbers at a wine bar.

Then I was off work on Friday and headed to the airport in the late afternoon for my red eye flight – everything was smooth sailing and I was at the lake by noon. I was totally pooped (despite sleeping well on the plane), so I just made a grocery store run and stayed in the rest of the day. I visited with a few neighbors and read on the porch.

I finished Chanel Miller’s “Know my Name” and Steve Herz’s “Don’t Take Yes for an Answer,” and started Celeste Headlee’s “Do Nothing” – very appropriate for vacation!

This was my view as I was doing yoga on the porch this morning – a true sun salutation!

Good morning!

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